Saturday, September 4, 2010

365.115: Bulldogs Season Opener!

This is what I'll be watching to day at 11am Texas time!

Georgia quarterback Aaron Murray (11) reaches for the endzone to score at the end of the second half against Louisiana Saturday September 4, 2010 at Sanford Stadium.

Friday, September 3, 2010

365.114: First Day of School Cookies

I never posted this the other day, so I wanted to put up some pictures of Holden's first-day-of-school cookies. Remember the story about the cookie tradition here? Well you better believe that Holden got his own cookies! After school he had lunch on the "You Are Special" plate, and then we made the cookies together after his nap. (Because half the fun is actually making them!)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

365.113: August in Review

Now that just aint right.

Aug 1

Actual Temp

103° Lo 73°

Hist. Avg

98° Lo 75°


Actual Temp

102° Lo 70°

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98° Lo 75°


Actual Temp

102° Lo 74°

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98° Lo 75°


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100° Lo 78°

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101° Lo 78°

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103° Lo 79°

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102° Lo 80°

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104° Lo 78°

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102° Lo 81°

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97° Lo 74°


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96° Lo 73°


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107° Lo 78°

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105° Lo 77°

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96° Lo 73°


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92° Lo 73°

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96° Lo 72°


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96° Lo 76°

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96° Lo 72°


Actual Temp

97° Lo 67°

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95° Lo 72°


Actual Temp

98° Lo 63°

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95° Lo 72°


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100° Lo 77°

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101° Lo 81°

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95° Lo 71°


Actual Temp

101° Lo 79°

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94° Lo 71°

Sep 1

Actual Temp

100° Lo 78°

Hist. Avg

94° Lo 71°


Actual Temp

86° Lo 70°

Hist. Avg

94° Lo 71°


Actual Temp

85° Lo 69°

Hist. Avg

94° Lo 71°


Actual Temp

91° Lo 66°

Hist. Avg

93° Lo 70°

Temperature Graph for August 2010


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

365.112: First Day of School!

So today was officially Holden's first day of school! Last night he started declaring, "I will NOT go to preschool tomorrow."


This was a complete attitude change, since he's been so excited for so long! But he tends to change his mind on a dime like that, so I wasn't really shocked. I prayed for him right then, again before he went to bed, then pretty continually until this morning! And God was faithful and good to wake my boy up with his usual excitement for school.

I fed him a good breakfast of scrambled eggs, cheese toast, bananas, blueberries, and milk, and got him dressed. Oops! I forgot to brush his teeth! Oh well--there's always tomorrow. He was so excited to wear his brand new "running shoes," as he insists everybody call them. He has to wear tennis shoes every Wednesday and Thursday because he goes to P.E. those days.

And the silly face:

When he was set and had his bag over his shoulder, he told Turner, "I'm gonna miss you, brother." They hugged. I teared up.

All four of us loaded into the car and got to school a little early. In time to take this shot of Holden in front of the doors he walks in.

When it was time to go into class, he almost forgot to say goodbye he was so excited! You better believe I pulled him back for a hug and a kiss, which he happily gave. Then he rubbed my arm for a second and said, "Bye,Mom." That was it. He walked into the room for his first day. I started tearing up as soon as I turned to walk away, but held it together pretty well until I got into the parking lot. Then I did the ugly cry. I was so glad to have Ryan and Turner there with me for hugs. Turner almost immediately started asking, "Where Hodie go?" I think it's gonna take awhile for us to get used to this new routine!

But I am gonna focus on the positive: my house is so quiet in the mornings now, since Turner naps at 9:30, and I can be productive! Yay!

In unrelated news, check out Susan, my new friend from Elevate! This blog post is about Susan, Cristie, and me, where God is leading us, and how he's already providing friends on the field!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

365.111: Preschool Orientation

This morning I took Holden to meet his preschool teachers and check out his classroom before the first day tomorrow. It was really fun, and a little surreal, to be watching my baby interacting in "centers" and experiencing school for the first time.

When we walked in and I pointed out Mrs. Wirth, he immediately threw his arms around her and thanked her for giving him the preschool bag. It made me so glad to see how affectionate he was with both teachers. Holden had so much fun finding things like his cubby, journal, and circle mat that were labeled with his name! He decorated his journal with frog stickers and asked me to put one on. I put a little froggy right next to his name and told him that every time he saw that frog he could know that his Mommy was thinking about him and loving him and missing him. My eyes started welling up, so I took a deep breath and started a craft to change the subject.

This is the shot of Holden before leaving the house. Not technically his first first-day-of-school photo, but I had to take it anyways!

Ms. Holmes (the teaching assistant), Holden, and Ms. Wirth.

Holden's mat for circle time.

Mrs. Wirth taking Holden's picture.

Holden had homework before school even started! I am so sentimental. I was totally making a big deal to myself that this is his very first homework assignment ever. They will be making a family tree tomorrow, so I helped him write who is in his immediate family and his grandparents. (For most of them, I just helped with the spelling, except for the harder words like "brother." haha)

Stay tuned for the real first-day-of-school picture and post tomorrow!

Monday, August 30, 2010

365.110: Monday Fun-day!

I never thought in a million years that I would look forward to Mondays the way I do now! We have class Monday and Thursday nights. And every Friday morning, I find myself just waiting for Monday night to come again! When you get to meet with God in such real ways on a regular basis like this...well life change is inevitable!
And this is now my favorite bag, which is stuffed with all my books and notebooks and journals for Elevate.