Sunday, June 21, 2009

10 Year High School Reunion

My 10 year high school reunion was really something I thought I'd never see. It's not that I thought I wouldn't live that long, I just couldn't fathom that far down the road. Nonetheless, here I am 5-years-married and 2 kids later, showing up to a crowded Buckhead club anxious but excited.
In all honesty, this was my second high school reunion: I went to Walton until half way through my junior year, then transferred to Fellowship Christian High School. The FCHS reunion was a backyard BBQ and was so laid back and chill. Here are some pictures of that evening a few weeks ago:

And two weeks later was the Walton reunion. They were so different, mostly because there were 40-ish people at the first one, and probably 300 alumni at the second! Here are some pictures from Walton's:
These girls were some of my best friends in middle school and high school:

I have to run, but will finish this up soon!!

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