Sunday, June 6, 2010

365.25: Ryan's Tattoo

So Ryan followed my lead and got himself some fresh ink.

It's an oak tree, which represents our family. It is green because it lives, it has roots in that our family is wherever we are. Genesis 18 recounts the story of the three visitors that Abraham tends to. He gets water for them to wash with and prepares a meal for them to enjoy.
The bell is for me. (He has always called me Belle.)
The rye grass growing to the left of the tree is for Holden. (We got his name from Catcher in the Rye.)
The crown is for Turner because his middle name is Frederick, which means "Peaceful Ruler." It has five spires representing the four generations of Fredericks in the McCormick line and the generation(s) to come.
The shepherd's crook is because we want to lead people to rest.
And the mockingbird is for the daughter we hope to adopt one day. (We want to name her Harper after the author of To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee.)
I'll post a close-up asap.


  1. Love this pic, love this post, love you :)

  2. Cool! Can't wait to see it. And I would love to name a daughter Harper, because that is my favorite book of all time, but it doesn't quite go with the last name!!

  3. Love this picture - you rock friend!

  4. Thanks guys! Ryan actually had to help me write this cuz I got some of the symbolism wrong. Oops!
    Lauren--I think Harper haws is an AMAZING name! I love it!

  5. SOOOOO cool! Can't wait to see it! I love all the symbolism!
