Sunday, November 21, 2010

365.193: Thankfulness

Thankfulness ~ Choosing to respond to God, others, and circumstances
with an attitude of hope and gratitude,
seeing all things as filtered by a loving, sovereign God,
who can and will work all things for good.

The presence of God is attracted to thankfulness and squelched by a lack thereof. (Psalm 100:4)
Hope and gratitude lead to peace and rest.
Choose to be thankful for the hundreds of blessings you experience each day. And even when you don't feel like being thankful, choose to do it anyway. That is what the Bible calls a "sacrifice of praise." (Psalm 15:14, 23)

I've committed to something my church is calling 60X6. Every 60 minutes (once an hour), for the next six weeks, I am going to do three things:
Acknowledge God's presence and love
Thank God for whatever is happening in that moment
Listen to God

I have already started--I set an alarm on my phone to go off once an hour from 7am to 10pm. And in just this short time, I am already seeing/feeling an increased awareness of God's presence in my life! Praise Jesus!

Does anyone want to take this challenge with me?


  1. I would love to do this 60X6 thing too, but I can't figure out how to get my phone or computer to alarm that much....
