Saturday, July 10, 2010

365.59: Farmers Market

There is an amazing Farmers Market just down the road from our house that I visited this morning! It's not huge, but so charming and speaking to the vendors is always fun and entertaining. One of the women this morning said she wakes up at 4am and drives an hour to Waco with three kids to sell her produce and jam! I found out that it is open Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, so hopefully I'll be able to get most of our produce there. I love locally-grown goods!
This morning I bought new potatoes, cherry tomatoes, and green tomatoes for frying. (I may or may not have gotten the fried green tomatoes idea from watching that movie last night.)


  1. I like to dip my green tomatoes in Zataran's fish fry. It gives them a little spice. I also learned from an old southern lady that the secret to the best fried green tomatoes is to let them rest for ten minutes after you double dip them, and then fry them. HOLY COW! She was right!!!

  2. wow--great tips, lauren! i had no idea where to even begin, so THANK YOU!

  3. You finally watched Fried Green Tomatoes! I'm so proud :)

  4. Yum! :-) Have you watched Food, Inc? Adam is obsessed, I hated it. I'd rather not know . . .
